Family Tree Maker Crashes

Hello Dick, I sincerely apologize for the difficulties you are currently experiencing. I have sent an e-mail to you, please use the e-mail and get connected with Remote Team. Our Remote Technicians will look into your computer and will resolve it for sure. Thank you.

Hello Dick, sorry to hear that. Please try adding your Family Tree Maker to AVG's Exception list. Please follow the instructions mentioned in this link: . Please do let us know the status of this. Thank you.

I have Windows 7, Family Tree Maker 2010 (FTM) and AVG Free 2015.0.6125. When I try to edit a Task in FTM, its Window immediately closes and an error message appears saying "Family Tree Maker 2010 has stopped working". If I do this with AVG temporarily disabled, there is no problem. All worked OK until about 10 days ago. FTM has not been updated recently.

Hello Dick, I sincerely apologize for the difficulties you are currently experiencing. I have sent an e-mail to you, please use the e-mail and get connected with Remote Team. Our Remote Technicians will look into your computer and will resolve it for sure. Thank you.

Hi. Thanks for reply. I was not sure which file to exclude, but excluding the initial exe file seems to work. I have left the box for Manual & Scheduled Scanning unchecked at present.

Hello Dick, sorry to hear that. Please try adding your Family Tree Maker to AVG's Exception list. Please follow the instructions mentioned in this link: . Please do let us know the status of this. Thank you.