Financial site blocked as infected with URL:Blacklist

Hi Keith,
Thank you for contacting AVG Community Forum. I see you are facing issues with your website being blacklisted. I am sorry for the inconvenience. Could you please share us the screenshot of the page ( which shows the site is blacklisted.
You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on Answer & then click on the Image [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions. Thanks in advance.

Financial online banking site being blocked with this Alert ID:
running Windows 10 and Chrome.   Does the same with other browsers.

Access works on Android device running AVG software.
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Hi Keith,
Thank you for contacting AVG Community Forum. I see you are facing issues with your website being blacklisted. I am sorry for the inconvenience. Could you please share us the screenshot of the page ( which shows the site is blacklisted.
You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on Answer & then click on the Image [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions. Thanks in advance.

Hi Keith,
Thank you for your screenshot. As the detected URL is false positive and if you are that the URL is genuine, I suggest you to click on the link below to submit it for analysis to our higher level support. Then, our concern team will contact you via email.
I hope this helps. If still, you are facing any issues please feel free to contact us anytime. Thanks you!