Firefox unable to display

Hello Michael,

I am sorry to hear that you are unable to open firefox with AVG enabled. Please open AVG AntiVirus free or AVG Internet Securiy installed in your computer and click on Menu->Settings->Ramsomware protection. From here check if firefox is saved in blocked list. If it is, please remove the same and add it to allow list. If you still face any difficulties, feel free to contact us.

Hello Michael,

Thank you for the information.
Please reinstall AVG Antivirus free once by running the AVG removal tools as mentioned in this article: .
NOTE: If removal tool doesn't show any AVG program then click on "Run Anyway" to proceed with the removal.

You can follow the steps as mentioned in this article: to install the AVG Antivirus free 2017 program.
If the issue persists, do let us know.

Hi Sarath,
I'm experiencing exactly the same symptoms as described by Aron. I'm running Windows XP Pro SP3 and AVG Zen build no. Firefox ver 52.2.1 fails to launch but Windows Task Manager indicates that it is running. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Firefox with no change. Other browsers, Chrome and IE launch without any obvious problems. If I disable AVG internet security, Firefox launches normally. I created an exception rule within AVG Internet Security using the file path "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" to no avail.
Were you able to resolve Aron's problem?
Please advise the outcome.

Thank you for reinstalling the program once. I am sorry to know that the issue persists.
Are you using the paid version of AVG Internet Security program?

Hi Aron,
We checked the details and apologize for the inconvenience caused to you. To assist with the issue better please kindly provide the screenshot of the error. You can provide the screenshot using below link.
Thank you.

the recent upgrade to AVG is somehow preventing Firefox from being displayed.
I'm running Windows XP and the newest updates of both AVG and Firefox. I have tried a fresh install of Firefox and also there are no visible conflicts or warning messages.
If you go to Task Manager you can see Firefox running.
I have used 3 other Browsers with no problem.

I re-installed everything (using the remove tool), and now currently using the Beta version. It very, very briefly worked fine. But, now it's back to the same issue.

I too am having issues. As described above.

Last night I installed PC Tune up and updates all my things. Today I have a non responsive Mozilla (my default browser)

when i check windows firewall in my computer it tells me that my Home networks are not connected due to AVG Internet Security!
That's not particularly helpful now is it?  

I also tried Safari and internet explorer with the same issue. 

Also. When I try to open AVG internet explorer it doesn't!  Click or double click produces NOTHING. At best it tried to redirect me to the AVG website which, surprise surprise! Doesn't open because it's not connecting to my network because of internet explorer. 

This is not not good enough. You've had this issue since at least April 2017 and it's STILL happening.

Hello Michael,

Thank you for the information.
Please reinstall AVG Antivirus free once by running the AVG removal tools as mentioned in this article: .
NOTE: If removal tool doesn't show any AVG program then click on "Run Anyway" to proceed with the removal.

You can follow the steps as mentioned in this article: to install the AVG Antivirus free 2017 program.
If the issue persists, do let us know.
Hello Alan,

I apologize for the inconvenience. I would request you to disable Online shield component and then check if you are able to access Firefox browser. Do also let us know the version of AVG program installed on your computer. Since the build number you have provided is not correct. Please recheck the AVG version and if possible share the screenshot of AVG dashboard to check and assist further.

Aron, For your info, just in case that you are unaware, you can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions. 
AVG Guru

Unfortunately as explained above there are no eroor messages or evidence of software conflicts. Firefox simply does not display while AVG Internet Security is running.

I too, am having the exact same issue. I can only open up Firefox, if I disable the protection. Internet Explorer opens as it should.

I did the same thing that others have done: re-installed Firefox, and re-installed it, thinking that was the initial problem.


But, at least it looks like the UI problem may have gotten fixed, from the several month long problem I was having with that (check another thread for that one).

Ok, I tried that. There was nothing blocked and nothing allowed. But, I still added "firefox.exe" to the allowed list.

I tried opening Firefox afterward, and still the same issue. I have to temporarily disable AVG (version 17.6.3026). I'm also using Windows XP SP3.

Hi Sarath,
I'm experiencing exactly the same symptoms as described by Aron. I'm running Windows XP Pro SP3 and AVG Zen build no. Firefox ver 52.2.1 fails to launch but Windows Task Manager indicates that it is running. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Firefox with no change. Other browsers, Chrome and IE launch without any obvious problems. If I disable AVG internet security, Firefox launches normally. I created an exception rule within AVG Internet Security using the file path "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" to no avail.
Were you able to resolve Aron's problem?
Please advise the outcome.

Hello Michael,

I am sorry to hear that you are unable to open firefox with AVG enabled. Please open AVG AntiVirus free or AVG Internet Securiy installed in your computer and click on Menu->Settings->Ramsomware protection. From here check if firefox is saved in blocked list. If it is, please remove the same and add it to allow list. If you still face any difficulties, feel free to contact us.

@ Alan McWhae
Alan, If applicable.. For your info, just in case that you are unaware, you can post the screenshot ( here in your topic. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions. 
AVG Guru