Firewall forgotten settings

Hello Peter,

I understand this must be upsetting and I apologize for the inconvenience caused. It would be really helpful if you could provide the screenshot of the "Allow" message to assist further.

Today I got requests to 'Allow' or 'Deny' everything on my whole system just like I did when I installed AVG paid version months ago for the first time.  When I first got it I religiously looked up each item to check I really wanted to 'allow' it but today there was no time for that so I just allowed everything that popped up.  This may mean I am now at risk.  Has anyone else had this problem?  Any advice?

I had to open a new program that I knew spoke to the internet to get the popup window, though I am sure you are familiar with it.  I had to answer this question for everything this morning (around 30 things).  I alwasy say 'Remember my answer' but it often doesn't.  Today it seems it forgot them all.
Pop Up

Hello Peter,

I understand this must be upsetting and I apologize for the inconvenience caused. It would be really helpful if you could provide the screenshot of the "Allow" message to assist further.

Hello Peter,

Thank you for providing the screenshot. I see that you selected an option to prompts you to decide whether to allow or block access to the network every time Firewall encounters a program without predefined Application Rules. This selection may result in frequent and potentially annoying requests for your input. Please go to AVG > Menu ▸ Settings ▸ Components ▸ Firewall ▸ Customize > Policies ( Specify Default Rules ) > Select "Auto-decide" option. 

If you face any difficulties, please contact us assist further.