First Mac scan takes ages

Hello Avinash,
I noticed you are handling my incident report by several people and are asking the same questions again. If you look into the history of my report you can see that I recently downloaded the first version of AVG that kept restarting the scan all the time, using days and not finishing. Then I uninstalled that version and downloaded the second version and started the scan again at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, finishing during the night, I don't know what time as you can't recall that anywhere. I thought it had taken about 9 hours. On the request of one of your colleagues yesterday I restarted a second scan (with the second version) and timed that version from 9:25 hrs till 17:30, so more than 8 hrs. and reported that with several configuration questions. That colleague wanted to find out if the second scan would take the same time as the first scan. Now you are asking the same again. Why can't you work with logfiles?

Hi Jaap,

We are sorry to hear this.

We will help you to resolve the issue.

Is the scan still running in your computer?

Could you mention the version of the AVG program?

Are you using the Free version?

Keep us posted.

After using Avast for many years thanks to the positive press I downloaded AVG.

I can’t get through the first scan (390 GB). It’s running now for 3 days and 3 nights and it keep stopping and starting all over again. Is this normal procedure?
Sor far I am not impressed!

Also going to the support site, logging in, a new window in opened and I have to login again!
Hello Avinash,
I noticed you are handling my incident report by several people and are asking the same questions again. If you look into the history of my report you can see that I recently downloaded the first version of AVG that kept restarting the scan all the time, using days and not finishing. Then I uninstalled that version and downloaded the second version and started the scan again at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, finishing during the night, I don't know what time as you can't recall that anywhere. I thought it had taken about 9 hours. On the request of one of your colleagues yesterday I restarted a second scan (with the second version) and timed that version from 9:25 hrs till 17:30, so more than 8 hrs. and reported that with several configuration questions. That colleague wanted to find out if the second scan would take the same time as the first scan. Now you are asking the same again. Why can't you work with logfiles?
As far as I know it's just the scan shown on top (Scan your Mac).
Today it ran today for over 8 hours from 9:25 - 17:30 hrs on this configuation:
User-added image
Jaap, please mention the details of your Mac OS and share the screenshot of AVG scan progress window.
You can post he screenshot by clicking on 'Image' (mountain symbol) from 'Answer' window.
Jaap, please note that the initial virus scan will take a while because it scans for each and every fine.
Are you experiencing this on the later scans too?
User-added image
Hi Jaap,

We are sorry to hear this.

We will help you to resolve the issue.

Is the scan still running in your computer?

Could you mention the version of the AVG program?

Are you using the Free version?

Keep us posted.

Removed AVG and downloaded/installed the latest version again. Result the same and the scan is running again for about 3 hours and is again on 62%. So history is repeating. 
How long should a first scan take for this anount of data?

Thank you for clarifying, Jaap. 
Would you be so kind to let us know the file size (hard drive size) on your MAC?
Jaap, we need to know which type of scan takes time.
Is it "Mac or Deep or File scan" of AVG?
If it is a deep scan, then it would obviously take more time as it would perform thorough scan.
The time-frame also depends on the number of files present on your hard drive.

Removed AVG and downloaded/installed the latest version again. Result the same and the scan is running again for about 3 hours and is again on 62%. So history is repeating. 
How long should a first scan take for this anount of data?

The duration of time to complete the scan(s), is the expected behavior of the program, as this is a very thorough scan feature. Generally speaking, the slowest files to be scanned, are archives and disk image files.

As a potential work-around solution, you may disable "scan archives" in preferences.

I trust this explanation and information are helpful. All the Best, Shawn