Free antivirus does not work once free internet protection expires

I'd just like to update what happened from my last post.
Not that there is a lot to write. Zero progress so far.
I've been asked to run AVG SYSinfo tool as the information it collects "will allow us to analyze the situation and provide you with a solution".
…Only apparently it didn't this time because next I've been suggested to yield remote access to my computer to "A skilled AVG Senior technician", which I kindly refused. 
No, I'm not going to give someone I've never seen, I don't know at all, and have no responsibility for any damages access to my computer, no matter what is his/her seniority level. If that is "the best way" (a.k.a. the only way?) of solving this issue, then adios AVG, hello Windows defender.

Hello Ehud,
We are really sorry for the troubles you are facing.
We would like to inform you that the Free version will not be expired. Since you are getting that the "AVG Internet security has been expired", it seems that you might have installed trial version.
Not to worry, you can uninstall this expired trial version and then reinstall the AVG Free new version.
You can refer article: to uninstall and to reinstall AVG Free version:
Once it is reinstalled, please check whether you are able to access the Gmail account.
If you are still unable to access Gmail Account, please send the screenshot of the error message so that we can assist further?
Please click on the following link to send the screen shot.
Thank you for understanding.

The issue was solved with thourough uninstall (using AVG clear and AVG remover tools) and reinstall.
Since that was what I did last time I had this problem (on another computer, though), I just hope the problem does not reoccur again two months from now.


I have the free version on AVG installed on my Windows 10 PC.
I get an empty screen or a reminder that my internet security has expired every time I try to open my free Antivirus. I don't get any options to get out of this screen. My free antivirus is inaccessible.
Apparently this expiration of free internet protection also messes up with my Gmail account, at least from Firefox, as I am now unable to send replies without getting an error message.
I had this problem before on my laptop and I solved it with re-installation of AVG, but this is getting absurd. I don't want to reinstall AVG on each device every time a free offer expires. This bug should be dealt with.

Hello Ehud,
Pleased to hear that you have sorted out the issue by re-installing AVG.
We appreciate your efforts.
Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance.
Thank you.

Hello Yamuna,

I am quite sure I've installed the free version of the antivirus… both times I had this problem. The free antivirus component appears as available in the main AVG window (see attached screenshot).
Could this be an issue of poor internet connection? I do have problems with my WiFi lately, I just did not think it could be relevant for the free antivirus…

User-added image

This seems to be an ongoing issue with your program. I've had the same, I've used the removal rool, reinstalled and all seems fine for a day, then once again "Your internet security trial has expired". I understand you need to make money and encourage people to buy the paid product, but effectively (hopefully accidentally) blocking access to the options on the free version has me hovering over the permanent uninstall option. I see a number of people reporting the same issue…

Hello Alan,

I am no longer interested in wasting time and energy on this specific issue. That's why I've uninstalled AVG from my desktop.

Thanks and goodbye,
I'm sorry, but haven't I just said I'm not interested in remote assistance?
Haven't I just made myself perfectly clear on this subject?
If not, let my say this again: I'm not interested in remote assitance.
I'm sorry that's the only thing you can offer me right now
You'll just have to find another costumer that'd accept it.
You can lock this thread if you want. We've clearly reached a dead end here.


I'd just like to update what happened from my last post.
Not that there is a lot to write. Zero progress so far.
I've been asked to run AVG SYSinfo tool as the information it collects "will allow us to analyze the situation and provide you with a solution".
…Only apparently it didn't this time because next I've been suggested to yield remote access to my computer to "A skilled AVG Senior technician", which I kindly refused. 
No, I'm not going to give someone I've never seen, I don't know at all, and have no responsibility for any damages access to my computer, no matter what is his/her seniority level. If that is "the best way" (a.k.a. the only way?) of solving this issue, then adios AVG, hello Windows defender.

Ehud, Quotes "You can lock this thread if you want" & "I've already uninstalled AVG from my desktop"..
Topics aren't locked. Do we assume that you're no longer interested in AVG?.
AVG Guru

The issue was solved with thourough uninstall (using AVG clear and AVG remover tools) and reinstall.
Since that was what I did last time I had this problem (on another computer, though), I just hope the problem does not reoccur again two months from now.