Free Antivirus Download for PC | AVG Virus Protection Software

Hi Victoria,

This isn't the experience we want you to have.
We're aware of this & the concerned team is working on it. Upon installing AVG protection program, you'd be given the option to either include or exclude the installation of Secure browser or Chrome.
Once it is installed & set as your default browser, then few files default application will be changed to Secure browser.
Thank you for your understanding in advance!

I wanted to try AVG as my Virus and Malware defender and protector, so I downloaded the free version to see how I liked it.

Free Antivirus Download for PC | AVG Virus Protection Software

I am now very upset.  The results of the scan were confusing and incomplete.  I had 1,800+ registry problems, but AVG would not give me any information on each one; the program wanted to "fix" all of them at one time.  My main problem, though, was turning my Adobe PDF files into Google Chrome HTML files.  THIS IS NOT OK.

After a few searches on the internet, I realized I am not the only one having these problems.  Here is how I fixed it.  If you want to keep AVG, these are not the solutions for you.

Uninstall AVG.
Uninstall Secure AVG Browser.
Restart Computer.

After restart,
Problem:  in Windows Explorer, all of my Adobe PDF files were set to default open in Google Chrome.
Solution:  Right Click on any PDF file.  Hover over "Open With". Select "Choose Default Program..."  Highlight Adobe.  Make sure the box is checked for "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file".  Click "OK".  Your PDFs should be back to Adobe, or your preferred PDF program.

Problem:  in Outlook, my attachments were still showing as Google Chrome HTML files.  This includes incoming and outgoing emails.
Solution: Uninstall Google Chrome.  Close Outlook.  Restart Outlook.  All attachments should be back to Adobe or your preferred PDF program.

I pay for Adobe Acrobat.  I am infuriated that AVG has the audacity to change my default program which is something that I can use to manipulate PDFs into something that is simply a reader.

I am so upset with AVG for thinking it is OK to makes changes to my computer without asking.  This is NOT COOL.  I will never use AVG again.  I will reinstall Google Chrome only if I have to, and I'll bet I won't have to.

Hi Victoria,

This isn't the experience we want you to have.
We're aware of this & the concerned team is working on it. Upon installing AVG protection program, you'd be given the option to either include or exclude the installation of Secure browser or Chrome.
Once it is installed & set as your default browser, then few files default application will be changed to Secure browser.
Thank you for your understanding in advance!