Free version definition updates offline

I see the feature in the settings but what good will that do a dial-up connector? Explain how this will help, please and how it works for dial-up. Otherwise, the program whether purchased or free version is pretty useless. A slow connection cannot download huge files. Thank you to any that can help.

I live in the country and must use dialup internet. Downloading huge files is not an option so I take a laptop to a wi-fi location and download the offline installers for items I need. So now I need some serious updates of the virus definitions for the AVG free version. Is there a link that has an offline installer for these? Thanks.

Thank you but no won't work. I can force manual checks anyway but unless there's an ability to stop and resume the download at the stop point, the dial-up will drop after so long or go through ithe whole thing (overnight)only to have errors. Plus, dial-ups busy out your phone so you can't keep the line always connected to the Internet.
Are there offline downloadable definitions for the purchased product? Is there a way to make smaller files for such as we poor backwoods user?

Ellen, enabling this option will reduce the frequency of checking for updates. Despite the size of update package, it will get downloaded but slow.

I see the feature in the settings but what good will that do a dial-up connector? Explain how this will help, please and how it works for dial-up. Otherwise, the program whether purchased or free version is pretty useless. A slow connection cannot download huge files. Thank you to any that can help.

Unfortunately, offline update is not an option in the latest version of AVG (free & paid). Also, the update packages size depends upon the new features and bug fixes included in it and it can't be altered.

Hello, Ellen.
We'd like to inform you that virus definition updates for free version must be downloaded from within the program. Please click on Menu -> Settings -> Update. Then select "I only connect to the internet using a dial up modem" under 'Program' update.