Mary-Jane, Are you referring to the Malwarebytes 'free' or 'paid for' version?. The full version conflicts with AVG (
AVG Guru
I was going to load on Malwarebytes and doing a full scan as my computer kept blacking out when on the internet (not all the time but just out of the blue). I tried to load Malwarebytes but as it was downloading again my computer turned itself off. I have done a complete Checkdisk with use of the Bartes CD and have completely cleaned up my computer. I have also used PCDoctor on my computer and checked mother board, Ram etc. etc. All gives me 100% good. I was wondering therefore what your opinion is about doing an AVG scan in Safe Mode as on the internet it advises that some malware hides itself and can only be detected in safe mode. Is this the case with AVG as it says it detects malware and spyware before it is loaded. Advice on the internet says that even with a virus checker program malware can still attach itself unbeknownest to any virus checker program loaded onto a computer. Is this correct and what is your advice in this regard.
I also wonder if it is purely that with Christmas there is so much downloading going on my computer as it is 11 years old finds it hard with so much information being fed to it at times and also the internet lines being clogged.
I feel I have done everything I can to detect the problem and maybe I have spyware loaded as suggested but also I feel that my computer is clean and healthy and as it is a 160gb hard drive and I have 111gb free (I keep my computer clean and don't load it up with documents etc., saving them all to external CD's) I have plenty of room for file swopping etc. I do only have 1.5 gb of Ram though.
Your advice before I do a safe virus check is really required as I don't want to make more problems for myself.
With kind regards
Mary Pettigrew
P.S. I recently wrote to you and you suggested a full repair of AVG which I have done and that seems to have helped.
Thank you for contacting us with your concerns. We would like to inform you that an up to date AVG detects all the known threats though they are hidden on your PC and scans your PC while it is booting up too. Please install AVG and scan with it in safe mode and let us know the results.
Mary-Jane, Are you referring to the Malwarebytes 'free' or 'paid for' version?. The full version conflicts with AVG (
AVG Guru