Future Sales AVG Tune UP and AVG Internet security

Hello Gerard,

We are sorry to know this.
The support for this channel is available in English only.
This is to inform you that when the AVG product is subject to automatic renewal, then it renews for the standard price without any offer or discount.
To get the discount, we request you to contact our AVG sales team using this link: https://support.avg.com/support_sales_chat?l=en  and they will help you.
Thank you.

Dear Sales,
Product:AVG TuneUp (meerdere apparaten)
Oorspronkelijk bestelnummer:(Order number removed)
Oorspronkelijke besteldatum:11 juni 2020
Abonnement verloopt op:11 juni 2021
Factuurbedrag:€ 59,99
Verlengingsdatum:27 mei 2021
Abonnement wordt verlengd tot:11 juni 2022

Product:AVG Internet Security (meerdere apparaten)
Oorspronkelijk bestelnummer:(order number removed)
Oorspronkelijke besteldatum:11 juni 2020
Abonnement verloopt op:14 juni 2021
Factuurbedrag:€ 89,99
Verlengingsdatum:30 mei 2021
Abonnement wordt verlengd tot:14 juni 2022

Your offer togetter € 59.99 and €89.99  total  € 149.98 is to high
2020  I payed togetter as an offer €17.99 and € 29.99 total €47,98. 
The differerance is very high.
So make my a resonably better offer If you want to keep me with AVG 
 With kind regards
Gerard Selie

Hello Gerard,

We are sorry to know this.
The support for this channel is available in English only.
This is to inform you that when the AVG product is subject to automatic renewal, then it renews for the standard price without any offer or discount.
To get the discount, we request you to contact our AVG sales team using this link: https://support.avg.com/support_sales_chat?l=en  and they will help you.
Thank you.