Get the virus definition version and others of [AVG Antivirus Free]

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AVG Guru

Hello, guys

Sorry for replying so late…

BUT,After updating to AVG Internet Security,
I found the version infomation at these paths, hhh:

"C:\Program Files\AVG\Antivirus\defs\aswdefs.ini"
"C:\Program Files\AVG\Antivirus\SecurityProductInformation.ini"


I want  to get the virus definition version, major program version of my free AVG antivirus software from Windows 7's registry, but I failed to locate accurate position.
Because, the former (Avast I used) put his information in registry    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Avast. I could get many versions easily.

Could you please tell me an easy way to get these versions ,in a programming way, not in the about page in GUI?

Thank you : )

Win7 x64 SP1,
AVG Antivirus Free 16.131.7924

Thank you for the information, Peter.

This information will be helpful to most of our customers.

Hello Peter,
My apologies for delay in handling your case.
There is no registry key for AVG virus definition. You can find the AVG program version here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\AVG\Antivirus:Version.

Peter, Did you resolve your issue with AVG?.
AVG Guru