Hi Romita,
We're glad to clarify this for you.
Upon checking our records, we see that you've reached our premium technical support & they'll not be able to retrieve the invoice for the consumer products.
As it isn't recommended to share the invoice through this post, we've sent it to you via email. Please find the email in your inbox or spam/junk folder.
Also, clarify whether you'd like to cancel the subscription & get it refunded.
I was sent a link to access my invoice that did not work. The same link was sent at least three times even though I informed the agent that it does not work. Why is it so difficult to receive a receipt, without having to ask for it, and in a simple pdf format that can be submitted for reimbursement?
Hi Romita,
We're glad to clarify this for you.
Upon checking our records, we see that you've reached our premium technical support & they'll not be able to retrieve the invoice for the consumer products.
As it isn't recommended to share the invoice through this post, we've sent it to you via email. Please find the email in your inbox or spam/junk folder.
Also, clarify whether you'd like to cancel the subscription & get it refunded.