Getting Error to Contact Support - No Phone, Email, or Contact Form Available

Hello Lauren,
You've reached the AVG community support forum.
I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to you and empathize with your frustration. I understand that you wish to change your card details. For further assistance in this regard, we'd recommend that you contact our sales team directly. Please visit this link ( to contact our sales team via live chat.

Thank you for understanding in advance!

My card connected to my account expired and I'm trying to update it with a new card but I can't even load the subscriptions page to do so. I keep getting an error telling me to contact support. Well none of the "Support" or "Contact" pages actually have any way to contact support. No email, phone number, or even a contact form. Help?

Hello Rulph, 

Thank you for writing back to us. We understand that you would like to know how to complete EFT payments. We are glad to help you. 

Kindly contact our billing team using below phone numbers. They will check and help you to resolve it right away.

United States: +1844 259 8811
Great Britain: +4480 006 68173
Australia: +6118 0042 9319

They will verify your account and help you to complete the EFT payments for AVG subscriptions. If you still have any clarification, please do let us know.

Rulph Brink
Rulph Brink
How do I / where do I find AVG's billing details to make EFT payment. ???