Getting started

Hello Joseph,
We regret for the inconvenience caused. While verifying your account you have AVG Performance as your active subscription. Please let us know whether the installation of the AVG Performance stops by 35% or the PC is Tuned up by 35% ? A screenshot of the exact issue can help us to assist you better in analyzing the issue.
Thank you.

I just got your product, and right off the bat, Icouldn't get my password to take; preformance pro will only show 35% completion;  Web tuneup never ges installed; unable to gat tech support; No toll free numbers; I need help getting this product working !!!

                                                                  JOE  RODGERS – BEGINNER

Hello Joseph,
We regret for the inconvenience caused. While verifying your account you have AVG Performance as your active subscription. Please let us know whether the installation of the AVG Performance stops by 35% or the PC is Tuned up by 35% ? A screenshot of the exact issue can help us to assist you better in analyzing the issue.
Thank you.