Could it be to do with vpn? When I turn vpn on and off msg changes from. "You're not online." To We've got a bit. Try again later. But either way I'm not receiving infon on Hack Attacks/Leaks.
No sign of hacking there. Have changed pw.
Although everything appears to be OK. I can's access Hack Alerts. I get a msg saying We've got a bit stuck and I cant get my leak info as it says it can't get a connection. Everything else connects fine.
Any suggestions?
Thx in advance,
Any suggestions?
Thx in advance,
Could it be to do with vpn? When I turn vpn on and off msg changes from. "You're not online." To We've got a bit. Try again later. But either way I'm not receiving infon on Hack Attacks/Leaks.
No sign of hacking there. Have changed pw.
Hi Keith,
We're sorry for the inconvenience caused. We'll look into this further.
We've replied to your original post. Please reply to the original post to get a quick solution.
Thank you.