Hi Peter,
We understood your concern. We'll check this for you.
To check this, we've sent you an email instruction to get our additional support.
Please do check & revert to us.
I believe that I've inadvertently given a Hacker access to my PC and he's copied files from my laptop by claiming to be an Optus employee checking my Router for faults.
I've since changed passwords to sensitive sites like bank accounts and credit cards and run my AVG Internet Security software several times.
However, I'm wondering if this Hacker has somehow embedded a 'genuine' program in my laptop which could give him access without me knowing when I'm connected to the internet?
I've changed the password on my Router.
What else could I do to investigate/check please?
Hi Peter,
We understood your concern. We'll check this for you.
To check this, we've sent you an email instruction to get our additional support.
Please do check & revert to us.