sorry alan if i should have done any harm !!!
regrets kees
Hello Kees,
You can find answer to your question together with your another post here.!/feedtype=RECENT_REPLY&dc=All&criteria=ALLQUESTIONS?id=906b0000000DbT0
Please try keep whole conversation in one question/thread to speed up resolution.
Thank you.
I have an administrationquestion : unfortunately i have installed 2 avg accounts, so one to much.
How can I deinstall one account without danger for anything?. It's only a matter of cleaning, tiding up
It has happened while loading down avg free products in the course of time
my email is: ( Holland, provider Ziggo)
How can I deinstall one account without danger for anything?. It's only a matter of cleaning, tiding up
It has happened while loading down avg free products in the course of time
my email is: ( Holland, provider Ziggo)
OK Kees, No probs…
AVG Guru
Kees, Also in future please refrain from carrying out multiple topic postings on the same subject! You won't obtain an answer to your query any faster!.
AVG Guru
AVG Guru
Hello Kees,
You can find answer to your question together with your another post here.!/feedtype=RECENT_REPLY&dc=All&criteria=ALLQUESTIONS?id=906b0000000DbT0
Please try keep whole conversation in one question/thread to speed up resolution.
Thank you.
sorry alan if i should have done any harm !!!
regrets kees