How can I reset password preventing me entering protected area

Thx Midhun. I've read all yr threads. Had trouble finding "Clear" tool though. Seems page is down so will have to wait but at least I now have clear instructions on uninstalling and reinstalling AVG. 

Any other links or for "clear" app or will site be up again soon?

How can I reset password preventing me entering protected area. I wrote it down at the time but can't access anything without submitting it.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance. I'll search forum more thoroughly myself but am starting to get really frustrated.

Hello Keith,

We regret the inconvenience caused.
However, the AVG User Interface password can not be reset.
In order to remove the AVG User Interface password, you need to perform a reinstallation of your AVG Antivirus using our 'Clear' tool.
Using our 'Clear' tool to uninstall AVG Antivirus, will remove any/all traces of AVG from your computer.
Refer to this article to uninstall your AVG Antivirus using our Clear tool.
Once you've uninstalled AVG, restart your computer once & use this link to download the setup file of AVG Antivirus.
Let us know if the issue persists after a clear reinstallation.

We're sorry to hear that, Keith.

In this case, we'd request you to try accessing the article from an alternate web browser.
If you're still unable to access it, please use the below link to download the AVG Clear tool:
Let us know if you need further assistance.

Thx Midhun. I've read all yr threads. Had trouble finding "Clear" tool though. Seems page is down so will have to wait but at least I now have clear instructions on uninstalling and reinstalling AVG. 

Any other links or for "clear" app or will site be up again soon?

Thank you for updating the status, Keith.

Glad to know that you issue has been resolved.
Feel free to contact us if you need any assistance with AVG.
Have a great day. Stay safe!