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I have AVG 2015 and have the same problem as Sandra Powers.  What can I do to download AVG Internet security 2015 successfully and get rid of the firewall cannot be stopped issue? Thanks

OK Sandra, No probs… Pleased to see that you appear to be now sorted. Thanks for returning to the Community & posting.

To Cookie. I used AVG Remover (not the AVG Removal Tool).aad it took eveything out so I was able to rinstall AVG 2015. Just Google AVG Remover and it will give you the info. Hope this helps.

Have message:No Active Components. I have tried to fix it according to all the steps provided, however, nothing works. I cannot uninstall/reinstall, can't repair, etc. Keep getting Setup Error. AVG firewall cannot be stopped. Have no idea wha this means. Can you please provide me with a solution. I have AVG 2013 and cannot even upgrade to AVG 2015. Help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

To Cookie. I used AVG Remover (not the AVG Removal Tool).aad it took eveything out so I was able to rinstall AVG 2015. Just Google AVG Remover and it will give you the info. Hope this helps.

OK Sandra, No probs.. Pleased to see that you appear to be now sorted. Thanks for returning to the Community & posting.
I have AVG 2015 and have the same problem as Sandra Powers.  What can I do to download AVG Internet security 2015 successfully and get rid of the firewall cannot be stopped issue? Thanks