How do I disable this fast boot nonsense in AVG Free

Hello Matt and Nunya, If you've PC tune up program installed on your system, it would notify you with such messages since it's been specially designed to enhance the performance of your system. If you do not want those pop ups, I request you to remove the program from your system. Here is the PC tune up remover link : . This will uninstall the program completely from your system along with its remnants. Please contact us back in case you need further help. Thank you.

Hello Matt. For your information there is no Fast boot feature on our AVG free antivirus programs. I guess you would have installed  some adware programs unknowingly along with the installation of other programs. These adware programs should be removed manually. I would recommend you to start with uninstalling all unknown/unused programs and browser addons. Thank you.

Indeded you DO have a feature that is supposed to speed up the boot process. Indeed it is poping up and telling me that my PC just booted faster with a message that says 'did you feel that, your PC booted up x% faster than before', and most certainly I have no adware whatsoever on my system. So stop guessing about imaginary adware and go learn something about your own software. When you have properly educated yourself, please return and answer my question. If you have doubts about my claim you could simply google it and find thousands of references to this feature of your software.

I do not have PC Tune installed on my system. This is the entire point of my issue. Don't want it, never did. Your product is broken. BTW I've been a computer technician for twenty years. There is absolutely no viral, adware, rootkits, malware or any other malicious software running on my system. I have performed a very thorough scan with several reliable programs. Your software is broken, and your support team is not qualified to deal with this issue. I've been a supporter of AVG for well over a decade and have installed your trial version on literally thousands of OEM PC's and recommended it to customers with confidence. But now? Goodbye AVG. Just Goodbye.

Oh, so you've never heard of PC Tune Up? Here's a link, educate yourself:

PC Cleaner & Tune Up | Download Trial | AVG

The next time your POS software tells me 'did you feel that?' I'll take a hundred screenshots and send them to you. What's your personal email? I wouldn't want you to, you know, dismiss my valid claim without even considering that I may actually have a point to make. If I can send them to you persoanlly I might not have to endure any more of these generic non-answers that pathetic support staff like to spout at their customers these days. You probably don't even work for AVG - if you do you need re-training.

What's that you say? PC Tune up isn't supposed to be active on your free product? Well that's the entire problem in a nutshell, isn't it, genius? Would you like me to type in a larger font to make it clear to you, or perhaps English is not your first language and you simply don't yet comprehend what the word 'support' actually means. Being 'pretty sure' about this issue isn't going to win you employee of the month any time soon, so perhaps if you attempt to take this problem seriously you can stop alienating AVG users and driving them to your opposition.

You have a bug in your software. Yes another bug. Good thing I didn't fall into the trap that apparently thousands of other users did by actually paying for the full product only to find that their 12 month subscription expired in 24 hours. Your software has bugs - DEAL WITH IT. You should have plenty of time at your disposal to deal with it because you certainly aren't wasting a single minute dealing with the issue I reported to you in good faith.
I did a search and found that I am not the only person to report 'did you feel that? Your PC booted X% faster' , and guess where I found that post? Yes, that's right, I found it right here on your forums. Your ignorance is your loss of course, but it's a huge waste of my time.
Once you've spent some time recovering from your abject complacency you might take a few minutes to wonder why I bothered informing you of of a flaw in your own product. What the hell do I have to gain from helping AVG?
If ignorance is bliss, you must be absolutely ecstatic!

Hello. I apologize for the inconvenience caused. I request you to try this below steps:
1) Please open AVG prgram
2)Select option and then select Advanced settings
3)Select Appearance and uncheck boot time improvement notification. Thank you.

I want to disable te so called 'feature' that claims to speed up boot times. It doesn't speed up boot times at all and I'm tired of the silly pop-up message asking me 'did you feel that? Your computer just booted a gazillion times faster than any computer ever has in the entire history of ever!' Since the 'feature' does nothing to speed up my boot times and I hate intrusive pop-ups. I'd like to remove this time-wasting bug from the software. Any advice in this area will be gratefully appreciated.

Kind Regards

Oh, so you've never heard of PC Tune Up? Here's a link, educate yourself:

PC Cleaner & Tune Up | Download Trial | AVG

The next time your POS software tells me 'did you feel that?' I'll take a hundred screenshots and send them to you. What's your personal email? I wouldn't want you to, you know, dismiss my valid claim without even considering that I may actually have a point to make. If I can send them to you persoanlly I might not have to endure any more of these generic non-answers that pathetic support staff like to spout at their customers these days. You probably don't even work for AVG - if you do you need re-training.

What's that you say? PC Tune up isn't supposed to be active on your free product? Well that's the entire problem in a nutshell, isn't it, genius? Would you like me to type in a larger font to make it clear to you, or perhaps English is not your first language and you simply don't yet comprehend what the word 'support' actually means. Being 'pretty sure' about this issue isn't going to win you employee of the month any time soon, so perhaps if you attempt to take this problem seriously you can stop alienating AVG users and driving them to your opposition.

You have a bug in your software. Yes another bug. Good thing I didn't fall into the trap that apparently thousands of other users did by actually paying for the full product only to find that their 12 month subscription expired in 24 hours. Your software has bugs - DEAL WITH IT. You should have plenty of time at your disposal to deal with it because you certainly aren't wasting a single minute dealing with the issue I reported to you in good faith.
I did a search and found that I am not the only person to report 'did you feel that? Your PC booted X% faster' , and guess where I found that post? Yes, that's right, I found it right here on your forums. Your ignorance is your loss of course, but it's a huge waste of my time.
Once you've spent some time recovering from your abject complacency you might take a few minutes to wonder why I bothered informing you of of a flaw in your own product. What the hell do I have to gain from helping AVG?
If ignorance is bliss, you must be absolutely ecstatic!

Hello Matt. For your information there is no Fast boot feature on our AVG free antivirus programs. I guess you would have installed  some adware programs unknowingly along with the installation of other programs. These adware programs should be removed manually. I would recommend you to start with uninstalling all unknown/unused programs and browser addons. Thank you.

Indeded you DO have a feature that is supposed to speed up the boot process. Indeed it is poping up and telling me that my PC just booted faster with a message that says 'did you feel that, your PC booted up x% faster than before', and most certainly I have no adware whatsoever on my system. So stop guessing about imaginary adware and go learn something about your own software. When you have properly educated yourself, please return and answer my question. If you have doubts about my claim you could simply google it and find thousands of references to this feature of your software.
Dear Nunya:  THANK YOU SO MUCH for your thread, details, and clearly exposing the fact that several of the AVG staff answering in this forum clearly have NO CLUE about the produc.  Having been an AVG Free user for years now, and recently having lost all functionality on one laptop, I was literally sitting here and reading VISA CARD IN MY HAND - ready to go for the paid version.   THE AVE REPS ANSWERING HERE MAKE IT PRETTY CLEAR THAT BUYING AVG WOULD HAVE BEEN A MISTAKE.  Thank you for saving me the money - especially since I'm disabled and on a small, limited income.

Hello Matt and Nunya, If you've PC tune up program installed on your system, it would notify you with such messages since it's been specially designed to enhance the performance of your system. If you do not want those pop ups, I request you to remove the program from your system. Here is the PC tune up remover link : . This will uninstall the program completely from your system along with its remnants. Please contact us back in case you need further help. Thank you.

Hello. I apologize for the inconvenience caused. I request you to try this below steps:
1) Please open AVG prgram
2)Select option and then select Advanced settings
3)Select Appearance and uncheck boot time improvement notification. Thank you.

Nunya, I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused. I do understand you. I request you to use this tool to remove AVG PC Tune up from your system: .To get rid of the pop up. Please do contact us further you face any issue. Thank you.