How do I restore resident shield detections when they do not appear in virus vault

Hi Michael,

Detection removed by Resident Shield should be in Virus vault.
In order to anlayze it please provide us with more information(Screenshot, etc).


I get resident shield pop ups, and thats all well and good, but the files it detected I'm pretty sure I've already added to my exception list so they are not scanned, yet resident shield steps in and garbles the file anyways so I can't run them when required. Now since those files do not appear in the virus vault I can't resotre the file.

The files showe up on the resident shiled list so I'm wondering why there isn't a menu item that when you right click on the file in the list it allows you to restore or restore as in the resident shield the same way it allows you to do in the virus vault.

I have no reason to continue using AVG if it interfers with 10 year old files that are no possible harm to my computer.

Hi Michael,

Detection removed by Resident Shield should be in Virus vault.
In order to anlayze it please provide us with more information(Screenshot, etc).
