How do I stop or limit 'Storage Capacity Upgrade' email notifications

Robert, The AVG (SMB) support in the UK ( will probably deal with your query @ their earliest convenience. Also, For a more direct contact method you may wish to try this new link (
AVG Guru

I assist in managing AVG Cloud Care for a few companies and am seeing an increase in emails from cloudcare about Storgae Capacity being changed/increased.

Occasionally I receive an email claiming storage is increased to 75GB than about an hour later, increased to 100GB. The 100GB notification is received almost daily.

Robert, The AVG (SMB) support in the UK ( will probably deal with your query @ their earliest convenience. Also, For a more direct contact method you may wish to try this new link (
AVG Guru
Hi Robert,

Thank you for your email.

You can disable the notifications in "edit customer profile and services" from the partner portal. There is also a specific CloudCare forum which can be accessed from the top of the portal under "AVG Community".

Best Regards,

David Phillips.
AVG Technical Support.