How do I work out what services that I need and that there are duplicates that I am being billed f

Hello Dave,

Please accept our sincere apologies. This isn't the experience we wanted you to have had.
To further look into this & help you, we've sent you an email requesting more info to follow. Please check and revert to that email for further assistance.

Why  have I  been registered as having 3 of the one service ? Why  did I receive notice that my AVG  had expired when it  has 2 years to run? I am confused and  not happy. It seems that  I  have just  paid for an 2 extra 2 lots service for 12 months in addition to the current one and I didn`t even activate it. It feels like I have been scammed yet again. I  thought  AVG was there to  help  people. Maybe I was wrong? These last subscriptions came at a time that I  can least afford it. If this is how AVG operates then I will have to  look   elsewhere in the future.

Hello Dave,

Please accept our sincere apologies. This isn't the experience we wanted you to have had.
To further look into this & help you, we've sent you an email requesting more info to follow. Please check and revert to that email for further assistance.