Hi, Mick
We will check this for you.
We could not locate any False Positve submission under the email address you hafve used to post this.
Did you use any alternate email address?
How long since you have been reported this?
Confirm the link in which you submitted and did you get the 'Successfull' confirmation after the submitting the form?
I've submitted a couple of false positive reports for the domain name creaghjoy.ie and still waiting on a response.
The infection was removed months ago and yet your software is still blocking it.
Can you let me know when you can expect to update your records?
The infection was removed months ago and yet your software is still blocking it.
Can you let me know when you can expect to update your records?
Hi, Mick
We will check this for you.
We could not locate any False Positve submission under the email address you hafve used to post this.
Did you use any alternate email address?
How long since you have been reported this?
Confirm the link in which you submitted and did you get the 'Successfull' confirmation after the submitting the form?
We will check this for you.
We could not locate any False Positve submission under the email address you hafve used to post this.
Did you use any alternate email address?
How long since you have been reported this?
Confirm the link in which you submitted and did you get the 'Successfull' confirmation after the submitting the form?