How to cancel subscription


Sorry for the trouble, we can't locate any active products under this email. We see that your subscription was already downgraded on 2016 and we haven't received any payments after that.

In this case, I suggest you to contact our sales support using this link or use the below toll free contact numbers. Calls from outside the US, UK or AU may be subject to international charges from your telephone provider.

AVG Sales Support
United States: +1 844 259 8811
UK: +44 (0) 800 652 4940
Australia: +61 1800 429 319

We are here if you need any further assistance. Thank you!

I haven't used an avg product since 2015 and just noticed today I had a charge for $8.99 from avg. I then went back a the past few years and noticed I've been getting charged every year for it and I didn't even know it was auto-renewing. Now I can't figure out how to cancel as it says I don't even have a subscription. So I'm getting charged against my will and can't even use the product.


Sorry for the trouble, we can't locate any active products under this email. We see that your subscription was already downgraded on 2016 and we haven't received any payments after that.

In this case, I suggest you to contact our sales support using this link or use the below toll free contact numbers. Calls from outside the US, UK or AU may be subject to international charges from your telephone provider.

AVG Sales Support
United States: +1 844 259 8811
UK: +44 (0) 800 652 4940
Australia: +61 1800 429 319

We are here if you need any further assistance. Thank you!