How to change threat detected pop-up settings?

The short answer is, You can't. On the bright side, most detections do not force a restart. You are more likely to get a false positive like that from Identity Protection. You would get fewer detection pop-ups if you set it to "automatically quarantine detected threats," but typically you do get an option other than "Protect Me" (in smaller print at the bottom of the pop-up) that creates an exception.

Here is the script, although the issue I have is not related to the script being flagged as athreat. My main issue is that the threat pop-up itself locks out my other programs. The script is an autohotkey script that I run as an executable when the computer starts up because I don't have a mute/unmute button on my new microphone.

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

; Description: Toggles the microphone on and off when mouse
; button 4 is pressed

#SingleInstance force

; Ctrl+Alt+Z will toggle the microphone mute state
; Note: the mixer value (5) is the Blue Microphone
; system. Use the SoundCardAnalysis script from the AHK docs
; for the SoundSet function to find your mixer value.
SoundSet, +1, Wave, Mute, 5
SoundGet, mute, Wave, MUTE, 5

if mute = Off
SoundPlay, %A_WinDir%\Media\Windows Logon Sound.wav
TrayTip, ToggleMic, Deathstar is operational, 3
else if mute = On
SoundPlay, %A_WinDir%\Media\chimes.wav
TrayTip, ToggleMic, Deathstar has been destroyed, 3
; TrayTip, ToggleMic, %soundfile%, 3
; TrayTip, ToggleMic, Microphone mute is %mute%, 3

I received a false positive today from the 2015 version of AVG Internet Secrutiy when it flagged a script I created myself. The script was a very simple mic mute/un-mute script, and the false positive wasn't so bad as I can add my script to the exceptions list. What is unacceptable is that the pop-up notification for the threat appeared as I was working in Photoshop and prevented me from accessing any currenty running programs. AVG then forced a restart without allowing me to save any of my work in other programs!

The main issue with the pop-up is that it appears just like the 'Administrator Privilege Requied' pop-up for windows; it grayed out all other programs and prevented me from accessing anything but the notification itself. It would not be so bad, but the notification would not even let me alt-tab!! It only gave me one option - to remove the threat - and then forced me to restart the computer afterwards. I could still see my programs in the background, but without any access to other programs I could not save any of my current work! I don't even let windows have that type of power over my machine as windows allows you to disable this type of notification feature. I need to be able to disable the foreground dominance of the threat pop-up otherwise I have no idea when AVG might flag something and forcefully prompt a restart of my computer, causing me to lose even more work.

The short answer is, You can't. On the bright side, most detections do not force a restart. You are more likely to get a false positive like that from Identity Protection. You would get fewer detection pop-ups if you set it to "automatically quarantine detected threats," but typically you do get an option other than "Protect Me" (in smaller print at the bottom of the pop-up) that creates an exception.

Here is the script, although the issue I have is not related to the script being flagged as athreat. My main issue is that the threat pop-up itself locks out my other programs. The script is an autohotkey script that I run as an executable when the computer starts up because I don't have a mute/unmute button on my new microphone.

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

; Description: Toggles the microphone on and off when mouse
; button 4 is pressed

#SingleInstance force

; Ctrl+Alt+Z will toggle the microphone mute state
; Note: the mixer value (5) is the Blue Microphone
; system. Use the SoundCardAnalysis script from the AHK docs
; for the SoundSet function to find your mixer value.
SoundSet, +1, Wave, Mute, 5
SoundGet, mute, Wave, MUTE, 5

if mute = Off
SoundPlay, %A_WinDir%\Media\Windows Logon Sound.wav
TrayTip, ToggleMic, Deathstar is operational, 3
else if mute = On
SoundPlay, %A_WinDir%\Media\chimes.wav
TrayTip, ToggleMic, Deathstar has been destroyed, 3
; TrayTip, ToggleMic, %soundfile%, 3
; TrayTip, ToggleMic, Microphone mute is %mute%, 3

Usually AVG dialogs do not behave described way, does you script run under different user?
How you are starting that script, using task Scheduler?