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Hi Walter,
In order to analyze it please provide us with diagnostic output using this tool and please add detailed description of issue.

AVG FREE 2015 for PC. I have two computers, both are 6 core at 3.1 htz, with 16 gb of ddr3, 13333 front side bus.
AVG FREE 2014 ran fine and fast. I've just loaded AVG FREE 2015 on both units. 2015 seems to run fine after startup, however the startup is slow. I've noticed during startup when the desktop appears the icons will turn white and freeze for a few seconds then will finally show the proper icon one by one, this takes a few seconds to complete. I removed 2015 and reinstalled 2014, this repaired the two units, all worked fast. Then I reinstalled 2015 and got the
same slow startup results. Guess i'm reporting a bug going on with AVG 2015 on startup. I've already installed
AVG 2015 on my customers computers, now i'm getting complaints of very slow startup from them.  I'm removing
AVG 2015 on their computers and going back to 2014, that is a must to stop the phone calls. I plan on monitoring
AVG 2015 on one of my units so I will know when the bug is gone, Folks get out your bottle of RAID  and go bug
hunting. Thanks for having one of the BEST internet security systems on the market .

Walter, This Community is now the AVG forum!. When available ( an AVG Community Support expert in Brno, Czech Rep… will respond to your posting @ their earliest convenience.
AVG Guru

Hi Walter,
In order to analyze it please provide us with diagnostic output using this tool and please add detailed description of issue.