How to recover infected files?

Hi, when I recover any of the inflected files they appear as a link only on my USB. If I try to copy them to my desktop there's an info about a virus if I choose remove the whole file goes back to vault if I choose not to remove it says I don't have a permission to do it

Hi Paulina, we request you to restore files from Virus vault. Then, try to right click the restored files and click on "Open as" and select the type of program. Please check if you are able to access the files by doing so. Thanks.

hi, all my files stored in my usb have been infected and avg moved them to virus vault. when I try to restore them they appear as an link back in my usb and when i click to remove the thread it removes the whole file. i'm using free version. is that the reason? should i upgrade?

Hi Paulina, we request you to restore files from Virus vault. Then, try to right click the restored files and click on "Open as" and select the type of program. Please check if you are able to access the files by doing so. Thanks.
Hi, when I recover any of the inflected files they appear as a link only on my USB. If I try to copy them to my desktop there's an info about a virus if I choose remove the whole file goes back to vault if I choose not to remove it says I don't have a permission to do it
Hello Paulina. I apologize for the inconvenience. Shortcut virus transforms files to shortcuts which can't be opened. There is unfortunately no way to recover the original files. However you can try to use any file recovery program. Thank you.