How to remove trogan agent5.aets

Katlin, Have you tried updating your AVG (
AVG Guru

I have Trogan Agent5.aets on my laptop. I am running Windows XP SP3. AVG detects it, it remains unhealed. Any idea on how to remove it? What files does it infect? I have seen a few free removal tools advertised, but I am very wary of them, seems to be a bit scammy.

Katlin, Have you tried updating your AVG (
AVG Guru

Hello Katlin. Glad to hear that your issue has been resolved. Please feel free to contact us if you have any issues. Thank you.

Actually Alan, I repaired my AVG and updated it. Ran the scan twice, no infection detected. To be safe, I'll wait to the scheduled scan runs.
Either way I am getting a new laptop with Windows 7. Hopefully my files will remain/be clean when I transfer them over.