How to remove Trovi popups from My Mac

Hello Sydnc,
Please open chrome on your Mac. Click the 2 horizontal bars icon in the top-right corner of Chrome. Click Settings to open Chrome settings window. Select the 'Manage search engines' option in Google Chrome to remove Trovi new search providers.

Then on settings page, under "On Startup", click on 'set pages' beside "Open a specific page or set or pages" and remove Trovi from there.

Hi Avinash,

Thanks for the information. I can remove the Trovi from the setting page, but after I restart my Chrome, Trovi appear again.

When using Chrome on my Mac, my homepage and search engine are changed to "Trovi". Once I launched Chrome, the Trovi page showed. How can I remove this virus?

Hello Sydnc,
Please open chrome on your Mac. Click the 2 horizontal bars icon in the top-right corner of Chrome. Click Settings to open Chrome settings window. Select the 'Manage search engines' option in Google Chrome to remove Trovi new search providers.

Then on settings page, under "On Startup", click on 'set pages' beside "Open a specific page or set or pages" and remove Trovi from there.

Sorry to hear about this. Please try to reset your Google chrome browser by going to Google chrome->Settings->type 'Reset' in search box. Then locate 'Reset settings' option, click it and confirm it by clicking on 'Reset' button. Please note that resetting the browser will reset your startup page, new tab page, search engine, and pinned tabs. It will also disable all extensions and clear temporary data like cookies. Your bookmarks, history and saved passwords will not be cleared.
Keep us informed about the status.

Hi Avinash,

Thanks for the information. I can remove the Trovi from the setting page, but after I restart my Chrome, Trovi appear again.

Hello Sydnc,

Thank you so much for sharing work around here.
We appreciate your efforts and patience in this matter.
Feel free to contact us for any issues with AVG.
Have a nice day!!!

Hi Abirami,

Still not improved. Anyway, thanks for the quickly response and support. 
After a long search on the Internet I just found this article and resolved my issue, hope this can help to resolve other AVG user's issue: