How to stop AVG Tune UP Deactivating stuff?

Thank you for clarifying your issue Malcolm. Yes you can disable the the option to deactivate the Rapport program. Please open your AVG PC TuneUp–> click on "All Functions"–> At the left top corner of all functions window you can find "DISABLE" please click on that–> you will get program deactivator window opened up–> In that you can see list of programs disabled and enabled. You can check for the Rapport program in that and select it to disabled. If it is enabled it will deactivate the program when you turn it to disabled it will stop deactivating. Thank you.

Hello Malcolm. I am sorry for the inconvenience caused. May I know does AVG PC Tune up stops while optimization? Could you please be more specific about your issue so that we will help you in this. Thank you.

After messing about following the advice of both so called community experts, I still find that
AVG Tune Up insists on deactiviating things as it see's fit.
The biggest problem on my computer is AVG itself.
Therefore I have decided to delete AVG and use other tune up software.

It is AVG which is the problem it takes over the computer,
so Good Bye !

I have done what you suggested, Clicked on "All Functions".
When I look at Trusteer Rapport it says "Cannot be disabled".
So why is it still deactivating it?

I am fast losing my patience and think it might be better to delete
AVG altogether and find a better Tune Up software.

My AVG Tune UP keeps deactivating Rapport Trusteer,
How does one stop this happening?
A least twice per day it tells me that it has restricted its
Any advice please?

Hi Rajendra,
No AVG Tune up does not stop, it tells me by how much it has deactivated Rapport
by posting a box in the right corner asking me if I wish to deactivate it further.
The last box stated that it was over 252 percent deactivated and asked if I wished
to deactivate it completely.

I do not want AVG to touch Rapport at all.

Malcolm, I am sorry to hear this. I kindly request you to change setting of live optimization by clicking   "Specify Exceptions" button in advanced settings of Live Optimization and adding Trusteer Rapport to "Do not reduce load" . Thank you.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused Malcolm. Unfortunately there is no option to stop Program Deactivator to popup out about deactivating a program. Many programs have background services that are active even when the programs themselves are not in use. AVG Program Deactivator closes these services and so reduces the load on the computer and so it will be quicker and more stable. So that is the reason it will be popping at random instances or on every system startup. There is no option to stop this only this suggested is to ignore such popups. Thank you.

I have done what you suggested, Clicked on "All Functions".
When I look at Trusteer Rapport it says "Cannot be disabled".
So why is it still deactivating it?

I am fast losing my patience and think it might be better to delete
AVG altogether and find a better Tune Up software.

Malcolm, I am sorry to hear this. I kindly request you to change setting of live optimization by clicking   "Specify Exceptions" button in advanced settings of Live Optimization and adding Trusteer Rapport to "Do not reduce load" . Thank you.

Thank you for clarifying your issue Malcolm. Yes you can disable the the option to deactivate the Rapport program. Please open your AVG PC TuneUp–> click on "All Functions"–> At the left top corner of all functions window you can find "DISABLE" please click on that–> you will get program deactivator window opened up–> In that you can see list of programs disabled and enabled. You can check for the Rapport program in that and select it to disabled. If it is enabled it will deactivate the program when you turn it to disabled it will stop deactivating. Thank you.

After messing about following the advice of both so called community experts, I still find that
AVG Tune Up insists on deactiviating things as it see's fit.
The biggest problem on my computer is AVG itself.
Therefore I have decided to delete AVG and use other tune up software.

It is AVG which is the problem it takes over the computer,
so Good Bye !

Hi Balasubramanian,
I am not complaining about the Pop Up per se, but am querying as to why AVG is constantly
deactivating Rapport? The most recent pop up states that AVG has deactivated Rapport by 432%.
Rapport keeps a constant eye on a users financial security and should not be slowed down nor
deactivated at all.
If AVG is deactivating any programme that keeps financial issues secure, then I need to know
how to stop AVG from deactivating it?
If it is not possible to stop AVG from interferring with Rapport then the only alternative is to delete
AVG completely from my computer. I purchased AVG Tune Up to help me, not to take over my
As it stands, it is fast becoming an enemy.