How to turn off virus sound notification

Annie, For your info, just in case that you are unaware, you can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions. 
AVG Guru

Hello Annie,
We are sorry to hear that. Could you please let us know whether you are getting voice message pop ups when you browse Internet?
Thank you.

My AVG Free recently upgraded to the 2017 version. When it detected a virus in an incoming email I was getting a popup notification to advise me which is fine. However, in the last couple of days I am also getting a sound/verbal notification which is panicking me for a second or two. I cannot see a way to turn off the sound notification. Please would you advise me how to do it. I want to keep the popup notification.
No. I prescan my incoming email with Mailwasher and I get the voice message and then the popup a couple of seconds after when an incoming email contains a virus.

Please could someone advise me whether AVG Antivirus Free gives verbal notifications or not.

I don't know why but yesterday, when I scanned my USB stick I had a voice telling me the scan was OK at the same time as the screen saying 'Looking good! No threats found' came up. Today, there is no sound.

I'm concerned that the sound files are spurious. Please could someone let me know if this is normal behaviour or has my AVG been attacked.

After my scheduled scan completed today I got an AVG shortcut added to my desktop and the sound notification was back telling me that my scan had been completed. What's going on? How do I stop the voice notification and why has a desktop icon been added. I don't want silent mode as I need to see any popup warnings. Please answer!

Thank you for your patience. I am currently unable to send a screenshot as I will need to wait for an incoming email to contain a virus.

Would you be able to confirm that your program does in fact have the facility to verbally tell me when I have a detected threat as I believe this only started occurring yesterday?

Yesterday I believe I inadvertently opened up an infected file which, after checking the internet, I think might have been the Dridex Trojan. I have Word 2003 (I know it's out-of-date) on my PC. In my version of Word, I had the macro security level set to 'High. Only signed macros from trusted sources will be allowed to run. Unsigned macros are automatically disabled'. When a popup box appeared asking me to run macros I clicked the X in the corner so I think I probably did not execute the malicious code.

I still had the original email with the attachment so I saved it to my desktop and scanned it with AVG and it did recognise it as malicious. I have since deleted it.

After this, I opened up AVG Antivirus Free and changed a few settings. My intention was to try and run as full a scan as possible. I want to scan absolutely everything. I do not remember altering anything to do with sound notifications and Silent Mode is not ticked. I ran a couple of Whole Computer scans and all was OK. Later, when a spam email was recognised through Mailwasher, AVG did it's job in showing me the usual popup but I was now getting the verbal notification just before the popup appeared. Because of this change in behaviour, I was naturally on my guard because of the previous Dridex issue.

I am now running a Deep Virus Scan with the default settings. I have a C drive running Windows 7 and an internal D Drive used just for storage and and an attached external hard drive, again used only for storage - no operating system. Would you be able to tell me what scan I need to do to scan absolutely everything on all three drives, including any changes to the default setting you may think necessary? I would prefer to have peace-of-mind that the PC is clean even if the scan will take a long time.

Many thanks for your assistance.


Thank you for your patience. I am currently unable to send a screenshot as I will need to wait for an incoming email to contain a virus.

Would you be able to confirm that your program does in fact have the facility to verbally tell me when I have a detected threat as I believe this only started occurring yesterday?

Yesterday I believe I inadvertently opened up an infected file which, after checking the internet, I think might have been the Dridex Trojan. I have Word 2003 (I know it's out-of-date) on my PC. In my version of Word, I had the macro security level set to 'High. Only signed macros from trusted sources will be allowed to run. Unsigned macros are automatically disabled'. When a popup box appeared asking me to run macros I clicked the X in the corner so I think I probably did not execute the malicious code.

I still had the original email with the attachment so I saved it to my desktop and scanned it with AVG and it did recognise it as malicious. I have since deleted it.

After this, I opened up AVG Antivirus Free and changed a few settings. My intention was to try and run as full a scan as possible. I want to scan absolutely everything. I do not remember altering anything to do with sound notifications and Silent Mode is not ticked. I ran a couple of Whole Computer scans and all was OK. Later, when a spam email was recognised through Mailwasher, AVG did it's job in showing me the usual popup but I was now getting the verbal notification just before the popup appeared. Because of this change in behaviour, I was naturally on my guard because of the previous Dridex issue.

I am now running a Deep Virus Scan with the default settings. I have a C drive running Windows 7 and an internal D Drive used just for storage and and an attached external hard drive, again used only for storage - no operating system. Would you be able to tell me what scan I need to do to scan absolutely everything on all three drives, including any changes to the default setting you may think necessary? I would prefer to have peace-of-mind that the PC is clean even if the scan will take a long time.

Many thanks for your assistance.

Hello Annie,

If we understand correctly, you were receiving a voice alert message when a threat is deducted and you would like to turn it On in the AVG Antivirus free version 2017. Is that correct?

Thank you.
Hello Annie,

Thanks for your response. You can run complete scan by clicking on the settings icon which is next to the Scan Button and by selecting the "Full Computer Scan." We suggest you to turn Select the "Silent Mode" from AVG Antivirus Free -> Menu -> Settings -> Silent Mode to turn off the notification sound if the threat is detected.

We also suggest you to provide the screenshot of the notification window so that we could assist you better. Please follow the instructions from the article to send a screenshot:

Thank you.
Hello Annie,
We are sorry to hear that. Could you please let us know whether you are getting voice message pop ups when you browse Internet?
Thank you.
Hello Annie,
We regret the inconvenience caused.
Could you please send the screenshot of  the pop up message so that we can assist further? Please click on the following link to send the screen shot.
Thank you.

After my scheduled scan completed today I got an AVG shortcut added to my desktop and the sound notification was back telling me that my scan had been completed. What's going on? How do I stop the voice notification and why has a desktop icon been added. I don't want silent mode as I need to see any popup warnings. Please answer!