HP Printer / HP Smart App do not work properly

Hello Terry,
Thank you for reaching AVG Support Community.
We sincerely apologize for the difficulties you are currently experiencing.
We'll certainly check and help you to resolve it.
Please follow the below steps and let us know the status.
  • Open the AVG Internet Security > Click on the Hacker attacks tile > Firewall options > Network profiles > make sure your wireless printer is selected as a private connection.
  • On the Network profiles, select the policies on the right > Enable the "Internet sharing mode" > Select "System rules" > Enable all the system rules
Also, make sure the below option has been enabled in the AVG Secure VPN.

1) Open your AVG Secure VPN.
2) Click on the Menu > Settings.
3) Make sure to tick the "Enable local device access when using VPN".

If you still face the same issue or need more assistance, please let us know & reply to this post, so that we will help you with additional support.
Keep us posted.
Thank you for your understanding.

HP Printer / HP Smart App do not work properly unless I turn off the AVG Ultimate Web&Email and Hacker Attacks firewall features.   This seems like a defect in AVG Ultimate's default firewall rules.  Is there a script or other way to correct this on multiple computers without having to enter each rule manually?

HP says these ports must be open…

  1. Outbound rules. Make sure the protocol matches (TCP or UDP).
    • TCP 80
    • TCP 139
    • UDP 139
    • UDP 161
    • UDP 427
    • TCP 443
    • TCP 631
    • UDP 3702
    • UDP 5353
    • TCP 8080
    • TCP 9100
    • TCP 9220
    • TCP 9290
    • TCP 9500
  2. Inbound rules
    • TCP 80
    • UDP 427
    • TCP 443
    • TCP 631
    • UDP 3702
    • UDP 5353
    • TCP 8080
    • TCP 9100

We're glad to know that, you've managed to enable 'Internet connection sharing mode', Terry. Appreciate your efforts.
Thank you for updating the status. Have a great day. Stay safe!
Hello Terry,
Thank you for reaching AVG Support Community.
We sincerely apologize for the difficulties you are currently experiencing.
We'll certainly check and help you to resolve it.
Please follow the below steps and let us know the status.
  • Open the AVG Internet Security > Click on the Hacker attacks tile > Firewall options > Network profiles > make sure your wireless printer is selected as a private connection.
  • On the Network profiles, select the policies on the right > Enable the "Internet sharing mode" > Select "System rules" > Enable all the system rules
Also, make sure the below option has been enabled in the AVG Secure VPN.

1) Open your AVG Secure VPN.
2) Click on the Menu > Settings.
3) Make sure to tick the "Enable local device access when using VPN".

If you still face the same issue or need more assistance, please let us know & reply to this post, so that we will help you with additional support.
Keep us posted.
Thank you for your understanding.