Hvorfor skal jeg gå ind hverdag og selv slette og opdater og meget mer

Hello Connie,

Support via AVG Community forum is currently available only in English. For example, you can use Google Translate (https://translate.google.com) for translation.

We're sorry to hear that you feel this way.
We request you to explain your issue/concern in detail, so that we can have better understanding & assist you accordingly.
Thanks in advance. Keep us updated.

hej  hvorfor skal jeg selv lave det arbejde som jeg har betalt jer for at gøre . jeg bruger mange timer på at slette og opdater og alt andet . det er jeres job ikke mit . 
mvh connie hansen 
Hello Connie,

Support via AVG Community forum is currently available only in English. For example, you can use Google Translate (https://translate.google.com) for translation.

We're sorry to hear that you feel this way.
We request you to explain your issue/concern in detail, so that we can have better understanding & assist you accordingly.
Thanks in advance. Keep us updated.