I am receiving an error code: 0xC0070643

Hello Michael,
We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
We understand how something like this will try your patience.
Mostly this error is occur due to anyother Antivirus program or previously installed AVG on your system.
Is there any other Antivirus program or AVG program installed on your system? If so, please uninstall it and try to install AVG program.
May I know the name of the AVG program you tried to install?
Are you using free or paid service?
Please feel free to get back to us for further assistance.
Thank you.

Hey Guys,

It appears that I am receiving an error code which is making me unable to repair/uninstall and even reinstall my AVG Software. I have tried to look for fixes even on here but nothing helps at all. This is making me very frustrated as I am unable to protect my PC from viruses.

Please help me!!

I have attached an image which is popping up when i try to unistall AVG.

Error Image
Hello Michael,
We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
We understand how something like this will try your patience.
Mostly this error is occur due to anyother Antivirus program or previously installed AVG on your system.
Is there any other Antivirus program or AVG program installed on your system? If so, please uninstall it and try to install AVG program.
May I know the name of the AVG program you tried to install?
Are you using free or paid service?
Please feel free to get back to us for further assistance.
Thank you.

I tried installing AVG Zen, but that didn't work. However, in my control panel in "programs and features" I have AVG and AVG Protection. As far as i am aware I have no other anti-virus program installed on my PC apart from Windows Defender which is a built in protection service for Windows 8.1.

However, I am using the free edition also. Not only this but it's asking for a "license number" which I don't have as I am using the free edition.

Please help me.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
We understand how something like this will try your patience.
We would request you to run AVG remover tool to completely remove AVG and then re install it.  
Please  click this link http://download.avg.com/filedir/util/AVG_Remover.exe to download and run the AVG Remover tool.
1. Please select the AVG products which are shown in the remover tool window and then start removal process.
2. After the remover tool process is successfully finished, restart your computer.
3. After the restart,  manually delete the AVG Remover folder in the C drive of My computer.
To reinstall please follow the article http://avgclick.me/InstallFree  .
Please feel free to get back to us for further assistance.
Thank you.

Hello Gabriel,
We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
We understand how something like this will try your patience.
Is there any other Antivirus program or AVG program installed on your system? If so, please uninstall it and try to install AVG program.
May I know the name of the AVG program you tried to install?
Are you using free or paid service?
Please feel free to get back to us for further assistance.
Thank you.

Thank you so much Gulam. It has fixed the problem with my AVG software. You are so amazing for helping me man haha :D
I am facing the same problem and change the way anti virus