I can’t install AVG Tuneup

Hi Dinesh,
 My OS is Windows 10 Professional. I pay for your software and when i can not intsall it then i am going to be compelled and constrained to cancel my abonnement, but i am sure that you are going to help me insall this program. 

With best Regards
Hassan BAWAR from Vienna, Austria

Trying to install the mentioned software, I get the following error message and the software doesn’t let to be installed.

Die Software kann nicht installiert werden, Folgende Fehlermeldung erscheint:

SFX is Not DSA signed!
Error code: 44024
More information in log:

please help me!

with best regards,


Hi Dinesh,
 My OS is Windows 10 Professional. I pay for your software and when i can not intsall it then i am going to be compelled and constrained to cancel my abonnement, but i am sure that you are going to help me insall this program. 

With best Regards
Hassan BAWAR from Vienna, Austria

Hi Hassan,

We're glad to look into this & help you.
Please let us know the operating system of the computer, in which you're experiencing this issue.

Hi Hassan,

We're glad to look into this & help you.
Please let us know the operating system of the computer, in which you're experiencing this issue.