I can't subscribe

Hello Ashraf,

We will certainly check and help you with this issue.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.
May I know in which device you have tried to install and activate AVG TuneUp program?
What is the exact error message you have received when tried to activate AVG TuneUp?
If possible, please help us with the screenshot of activation code error message in order to understand better and resolve it.
For taking a screenshot, please refer this article: https://bit.ly/3eSsWai
Thank you and please keep us informed.

I have purchased the product and I cannot use it on all my devices, what is this complexity, every time I enter the activation code a message appears saying that the code is wrong, and I cannot make a subscription even using the method found in the support center, help me or refund my money
Hello Ashraf, 

Thank you for writing back to us with screenshot. We have synced your activation code to your account from our end.

Can you please try to activate it using same activation code again? If you still get issue with activation, we will help you to resolve it with our remote support team. 

Keep us updated. 

Hello Ashraf,

We will certainly check and help you with this issue.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.
May I know in which device you have tried to install and activate AVG TuneUp program?
What is the exact error message you have received when tried to activate AVG TuneUp?
If possible, please help us with the screenshot of activation code error message in order to understand better and resolve it.
For taking a screenshot, please refer this article: https://bit.ly/3eSsWai
Thank you and please keep us informed.

I have clearly stated to you that I cannot activate the program on any of my devices (windos 10 Laptop - IPHONE X MAX PRO IPAD 6 SAMSUNG GALAXY A31), are you asking me to send screenshot from all my devices?
Note: As I mentioned earlier, I have tried all the methods you have mentioned in the support

attached screenshot from samsung device ( Screenshot removed as it shows Correct activation code)

We sincerely apologize for the difficulties you are currently experiencing.
Regarding the activation issue on mobile, we've escalated the case to our concerned mobile team, they will certainly check and get back to your by email soon. As it is not recommended to share the activation code over this public post, I've removed the screenshot from your post. Please make a note of case number 13682946 for further reference.

Regarding the activation issue on windows pc, I've sent you an email offered additional support to resolve it, please check for the email.
Thank you.