I can't update my licenced Performance

Hello Peter.
I apologize for the inconvenience caused. Could you please let us know the error message you receive when you try updating your AVG? so that we are glad to help you with it. Thank you for you understanding.

 My Internet computer could not update my AVG Performance. For some time now I am having the same problem with my Notebook. I was told I would have to fix this problem also via Remote. Plaese give me a case number and connect me to Technical Support. Peter

Hi Aravind
When I loaded AVG Performance on this my Notebook it said that my Licence had expired. But I have unkimited until 26 May 2016. The same thing happened to my Desktop. I got a case number and the problem was solved by remote. The technicician said that ifthe same thing happened to another PC like now then AVG will have to correct again by remote. Please give case number.

Hello Peter.
I apologize for the inconvenience caused. Could you please let us know the error message you receive when you try updating your AVG? so that we are glad to help you with it. Thank you for you understanding.

Hello Peter, I sincerely apologize for the difficulties you are currently experiencing. I have sent an e-mail to you, please use the e-mail and get connected with Remote Team. Our Remote Technicians will look into your computer and will resolve it for sure. Thank you.