Hi Peter,
We understand your concern.
It isn't recommended to share the information regarding your account through Public post.
So, we have sent you an email to your registered email address. Please reply back to the email.
Dear Sir / Madam
I have paid too much I now receive an email within December 1 for avg antitrack for 19.99 euros and I have paid 57.37 euros for 2 years. That is a difference of 17 euros. It also shows that I have paid too much for avg tuneup € 22.49 in my email from 1 December and I also paid 69.99 euros on 28 November. for 2 years this is a difference of 25 euros Bought on November 28 how is this possible. Together, avg antitrack and avg tuneup, I paid 42 euros too much compared to the December 1 offer. I would like to know hope we can solve this because I feel bad in this case.
Best regards,
Peter de Haas
I have paid too much I now receive an email within December 1 for avg antitrack for 19.99 euros and I have paid 57.37 euros for 2 years. That is a difference of 17 euros. It also shows that I have paid too much for avg tuneup € 22.49 in my email from 1 December and I also paid 69.99 euros on 28 November. for 2 years this is a difference of 25 euros Bought on November 28 how is this possible. Together, avg antitrack and avg tuneup, I paid 42 euros too much compared to the December 1 offer. I would like to know hope we can solve this because I feel bad in this case.
Best regards,
Peter de Haas
Hi Peter,
We understand your concern.
It isn't recommended to share the information regarding your account through Public post.
So, we have sent you an email to your registered email address. Please reply back to the email.