I keep getting the announcement (in Dutch): Your Internet Security is no longer valid

Hello Robert,
We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
Now we suggest you to uninstall the Trial version of AVG and reinstall AVG Anti-Virus free.
Please uninstall AVG Trial by running AVG Remover tool.
Click this link to download AVG Remover - http://download.avg.com/filedir/util/AVG_Remover.exe
1. Open AVG_Remover.exe.
2. Click Yes in the User Account control dialog.
3. Click CONTINUE.
4. to agree with AVG’s license agreement and privacy policy.
5. Select the installed version of AVG.
6. Click Remove, then click Restart to restart the PC.
After restart, open "C" Drive and delete "AVG Remover" Folder.
Click this link to install AVG Anti-Virus Free - http://files-download.avg.com/inst/mp/Antivirus_Free_1817.exe
Please feel free to contact us for further assistance.
Thank you. Joyson, AVG Customer Care.

I downloaded AVG free and seem to have got a trial program named Internet Security. I just want AVG free, but cannot get rid of that message. I downloaded en used AVG Remover, and tried again, but it still pops up. Verry irritating and time comsuming... What can I do?


Thanks for your speedy answer, but alas, that did not work either.
When you say: uninstall all the traces of AVG, I can't do that. After using AVG-remover I still see on the C-drive a directory AVG with a lot of files and a directory AVG Web TuneUp with a file: vprot.exe. I can't remove these directories.
What must I do next?


Hello Robert,
We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
Now we suggest you to uninstall the Trial version of AVG and reinstall AVG Anti-Virus free.
Please uninstall AVG Trial by running AVG Remover tool.
Click this link to download AVG Remover - http://download.avg.com/filedir/util/AVG_Remover.exe
1. Open AVG_Remover.exe.
2. Click Yes in the User Account control dialog.
3. Click CONTINUE.
4. to agree with AVG’s license agreement and privacy policy.
5. Select the installed version of AVG.
6. Click Remove, then click Restart to restart the PC.
After restart, open "C" Drive and delete "AVG Remover" Folder.
Click this link to install AVG Anti-Virus Free - http://files-download.avg.com/inst/mp/Antivirus_Free_1817.exe
Please feel free to contact us for further assistance.
Thank you. Joyson, AVG Customer Care.

Hello Robert,
We regret for the inconvenience caused. We have sent an email to your registered email address. Please follow these steps to send us diagnostic information from your computer. This information will allow us to analyze the situation and provide you with a solution. Please check for the email in spam or junk folder, if the email is not present in inbox.
Thank you. Joyson, AVG Customer Care.

I followed your instructions to the letter - only I did not download Antivirus_Free_1817, but Antivirus_Free_x64_1818. However, I still get the pop-up (in Dutch): Your trial version of Internet Security is expired :-(
Should I repeat the whole instruction and then download Antivirus_Free_1817.exe ?

Thanks in advance,

Hello Robert.
We appreciate your efforts.
You need to install Antivirus_Free_1817.exe itself.
We request you to uninstall all the traces of AVG and try re-install it.
Please get back to us if you have any difficulty with the installation.
Thank you.