I keep getting three dialog pop ups -- all the same - RunDLL saying I'm missing SysMenu.dll file. Ive tried everything. AVG said could fix it if I bought the service. i did and still get it

Hi Michael,
Who said that and which service you bought?
You shuld be able to find solution here (https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20140101124946AAxibvr).

Hi Michael,
Who said that and which service you bought?
You shuld be able to find solution here (https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20140101124946AAxibvr).
Michael Kaess quote 'AVG said could fix it if I bought the service'....
Michael, Re AVG Community Support expert assistance from Brno, Czech Rep.. They will attend to your posting @ their earliest convenience but please bear in mind that it's now the weekend i.e. Workdays [Mon-Fri] 9:00am - 5:00pm CET.
AVG Guru