Hi Kaream,
This isn't the experience we wanted you to have with AVG and we'll certainly help you further.
On checking, you have submitted a refund request form in our website and it has been processed.
As I'm unable to locate the other charge, I've sent an email requesting more information.
Please keep up the conversation via email as we do not advised users to share subscription details in public forum.
Thanks in advance.
Listen up you people basically stole money out of my bank account that wasn't there to begin with not only did you charge me 70 dollars for an "automatic annual subscription i asked for a refund as soon as this happened because i didn't have any money in my checking account and then it went all the way up 36 dollars due to an overdraft fee "It MaY tAkE uP tO sEvEn BuSiNeSs DaY's" doesn't fecking cut it because guess what in 7 business days i get charged another 36 dollars. making it a total of 142 Dollars that you pieces of garbage are making me pay. If the account is empty don't just steal money from your customers that they do not have that is wrong i wish i could sue you people. FIX IT IMMEDIATELY!!!
Hi Kaream,
This isn't the experience we wanted you to have with AVG and we'll certainly help you further.
On checking, you have submitted a refund request form in our website and it has been processed.
As I'm unable to locate the other charge, I've sent an email requesting more information.
Please keep up the conversation via email as we do not advised users to share subscription details in public forum.
Thanks in advance.