James, Presently AVG Secure VPN is the only AVG product that's compatible with iOS (https://www.avg.com/en-ww/secure-vpn#ios). For info also have a look @ this link (https://www.apple.com/uk/shop/question/answers/iphone/do-i-need-antivirus-software-for-my-iphone/Q2JF22AYP7YY7DHKT).
AVG Guru
How do I install AVG on I-pad and I-phone?
Hello James,
There is no AVG Antivirus or Cleaner application available for iPads or iPhones.
The only AVG product available for iOS devices is AVG Secure VPN.
If you would like to know about AVG Secure VPN for iOS, have a look at this website: https://www.avg.com/secure-vpn#ios .
Thank you.
James, Presently AVG Secure VPN is the only AVG product that's compatible with iOS (https://www.avg.com/en-ww/secure-vpn#ios). For info also have a look @ this link (https://www.apple.com/uk/shop/question/answers/iphone/do-i-need-antivirus-software-for-my-iphone/Q2JF22AYP7YY7DHKT).
AVG Guru