I received a 79.17€ (USD 86,79) charge for "DRI*AVG Tech. but renew cost only 29,99 / 1 year? how?

I was going to make renewal to my  AVG Internet Security, but then it ask me to fill again my credit card number, and I started to wonder why is that? because it is question about renewal shoud AVG  remember me already because I had gave my credit card number in first order. If I make renewal of Internet Security for price 29,99 euros, will License Number also change?.
And what you ment by submiting the refund request on behalf of me?
Renewal product is 49,18 euros chaper that product that AVG automatically tried to sell me huge difference. Will that amount of money automatically return my credit card account on behalf of you?

Hello Hannu,

We could see that you have been charged USD86.79 for the renewal of AVG Internet Security (1 computer) license due to auto renewal service enabled for the first purchase.
May I ask where did you see the price as $29.99 for this product?

Hi, i recieved info that my license was going to expire in 6 days, I notice that if I choose to renew my license it costs only 29,99€ / one year. But there was same time charge from my credit card amount USD 86,79 ´' 0,9122010 = 79,17€, for one year. How is that possible?
AVG Internet Security
1-year subscription, 1 computer
billed annually

Subtotal: $69.99
Tax: $16.80
Total: $86.79
Appreciate you answer


Hello Hannu,

We could see that you have been charged USD86.79 for the renewal of AVG Internet Security (1 computer) license due to auto renewal service enabled for the first purchase.
May I ask where did you see the price as $29.99 for this product?

Hi, hidden icons and there AVG Internet Security Attention!. Push icon and page AVG Internet Security opened and there was information: your license expires in five days. Next to that info there was button renew now. When I push that button open next window and there was 1-year subscription for 29,99 euros (normal price was 59,99 euros.

Did that help you ?

Thank you for the info, Hannu. 

The renewal price will always be the original price of the product. 

We provide discounts occasionally and that's why you received the discounted price to renew it manually. 

The listed price will be applicable if you renew it from that page only.

Hi, ok thanks if I renew it from that page so price is 29,99 euros and I was charged  amount USD 86,79 ´' 0,9122010 = 79,17€, from my credit card.how will I get refund?