I recently had a problem with AVG watchdog locking my laptop at startup

Hello Mark,
We are sorry to know that you got this watchdog error. To fix this issue, we suggest you to restart the computer in safe mode. Please click on this link for the steps to restart the computer in safe mode http://avgclick.me/rebootintosafemode. Please let us know once you restart the computer in safe mode.
Thank you

Iaptop locks at startup. 
Avg install path : C: Program Files  (x86) \AVG\AVG2015\

Avg Watchdog initializing 
It then goes through phase 0 and phase 1,starts then locks after finishing. 
If I power down /up and pound f2 for the BIOS, then exit, Windows will start, but only until I exit and shut it down. On next start up I get the same problem. This was just after I started getting reminders to renew my AVG software. Then a free offer for AVG. Then the lock. I also had a earlier problem with AVG commerce hitting my checking account for about $35 for 3 months. I got ahold of the bank and they stopped paying, but as far as I am concerned, I think AVG owes me 3 years of prepaid protection. 

Hello Mark,
We are sorry to know that you got this watchdog error. To fix this issue, we suggest you to restart the computer in safe mode. Please click on this link for the steps to restart the computer in safe mode http://avgclick.me/rebootintosafemode. Please let us know once you restart the computer in safe mode.
Thank you