I solved the problem Blue Screen

every time the PC starts, the Blue Screen appears, I restart in Safe Mode, I choose a restore point and the PC restarts among the first activities there is an update of AVG Free Edition. After the update if I restart I have the Blue Screen again. Every time.
I found a suggest procedure at this address
In this way I'm sure the problem is a conflict of AVG with another program.
In Chat with AVG Customer Support they wrote me to contact you to resolve the AVG conflict. Here I am. Best Regards

I solved with

Troubleshooting a PC crash or blue screen error (BSOD)

I would like to find the program it creates conflicts with AVG Free Edition.
I added a camera picture.

Hello Luigi,

This community deals with the queries related with AVG products. It looks like the problem is with ndis.sys file on your Acer laptop

Click on this link https://support.microsoft.com/en/contactus/ to contact Microsoft support, they will assist you further.

Thank you, Luigi.
As the error message indicates, the issue is with ndis.sys file on your PC.
Ndis.sys is a Windows system file related to Network Driver Interface Specification. Being essential part of the Windows operating system, ndis.sys is digitally signed by Microsoft and is located in the C:\Windows\System32\drivers folder.

NDIS, which stands for Network Driver Interface Specification, is a legitimate component of your Windows operating system. It lets drivers work the way they are supposed to on a network computer and helps the machine on which it is installed communicate with hardware and connected devices.

Please make sure all your device drivers are up to date and latest Windows updates are installed. If that does not fix the issue, next step would be to run a deep scan on your PC for virus.
After opening the AVG user interface, click the … icon (three dots) next to Run Smart Scan. Select Deep scan.

Hello Luigi.
Unfortunately, from your recent message, it was not clear to us how we can help you.
Could you please specify your request and provide us with more details? Thank you for understanding.

Sorry to hear that the issue persists.
We'd request you to run AVG Clear tool to remove AVG completely and reinstall it.
Click this link for instructions to run AVG Clear tool.

every time the PC starts, the Blue Screen appears, I restart in Safe Mode, I choose a restore point and the PC restarts among the first activities there is an update of AVG Free Edition. After the update if I restart I have the Blue Screen again. Every time.
I found a suggest procedure at this address
In this way I'm sure the problem is a conflict of AVG with another program.
In Chat with AVG Customer Support they wrote me to contact you to resolve the AVG conflict. Here I am. Best Regards