I wanted to download the anti-virus program onto a USB stick

Eric, Are you referring to AVG Free?. If so, You need the 32 or 64bit file, whichever suits your system, from this link (http://free.avg.com/ww-en/download-free-all-product) for a USB stick off-line install or the online installer if you have an internet connection.
AVG Guru

WOW man these two replies have used up 2 Megabytes of my data, wired how there must be a lot less than about 10 kilobytes of text, it used up 43 Megabytes to register here

I wanted to download the anti-virus program onto a USB stick so I could take it home, when I got home I found it was a *.BIN file about 50megabytes, how can you install a BIN file on my windows XP, or does anybody have the URL for the EXE files to download, so I can just click on the EXE file to install the program.

Hi Eric,
You can always use Opera (compressed traffic).

Hi Eric,
You can always use Opera (compressed traffic).

Eric, Are you referring to AVG Free?. If so, You need the 32 or 64bit file, whichever suits your system, from this link (http://free.avg.com/ww-en/download-free-all-product) for a USB stick off-line install or the online installer if you have an internet connection.
AVG Guru

WOW man these two replies have used up 2 Megabytes of my data, wired how there must be a lot less than about 10 kilobytes of text, it used up 43 Megabytes to register here