Here's a screenshot of the receipt. It's in finnish and I was unable to change the language, sorry. "Viite" and "Viesti" are the reference number and message under the payment date.
I have escalated your issue to proper department, you will be contacted via email.
I just reviewed my PayPal account and found a charge for $59.99 on invoice #36-3820511 dated 11-15-2014. What gives, I only subscribe to AVG Free and nothing else. Please investigate and let me know. Thank you
Hi Miska,
In order to analyze it I need proof of payment.
I was billed for 41,97 EUR by AVG*WWW.AVG.COM on October 23rd 2014 but I haven't even made an account before today let alone a purchase. I would like to have this refunded. I can't find a customer support email suitable for this problem and I tried to use the request refund form but it required a product key which of course I don't have since I've never bought anything.
Miska, When available ( an AVG Community Support expert in Brno, Czech Rep… will respond to your posting @ their earliest convenience but please bear in mind that it's now the weekend.
AVG Guru
Hi Miska,
In order to analyze it I need proof of payment.
I just reviewed my PayPal account and found a charge for $59.99 on invoice #36-3820511 dated 11-15-2014. What gives, I only subscribe to AVG Free and nothing else. Please investigate and let me know. Thank you
Carlos, Have a look @ this new form link ( to get chat or phone support. There's a Sales Support section. Other