I have the "Threat blocked" for "Reg-MSI_Inventory.exe" problem. From similar discussion(s) on this topic, I suspect a false positive. I could not report the problem via the .../false-positive-file-form because I am unable to locate the Reg-MSI_Inventory.exe. It is not in the folder stated. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
c:\windows\temp\invc303_tmp\RegMSI\Reg-MSI_Inventory.exe does not exist
c:\windows\temp\invc303_tmp\RegMSI does not exit
c:\windows\temp\invc303_tmp\ does not exist
Hi Steve,
We will help you to sort out the issue.
Please share us the screenshot of the threat message to investigate further.
You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on "Answer" & then click on the "Image" [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.
Keep us posted.
Hi Steve,
We will help you to sort out the issue.
Please share us the screenshot of the threat message to investigate further.
You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on "Answer" & then click on the "Image" [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.
Keep us posted.