Inbox cannot be selected. Outlook 2007 Error

Hello Nicole,
While verifying your account you have AVG Internet security as your active subscription. Please check whether you could able to access your email after disabling the AVG program. Please have a look at this article to disable the AVG program.
Thank you.

After installing AVG I now get the following error when trying to read my emails in Outlook 2007

Cannot open this item. The folder 'Inbox' cannot be selected. This may be because of a limitation or the folder may have been deleted or moved.

I'm using IMAP with the following port options:

Incoming Mail (IMAP): 143
Outgoing Mail (IMAP): 587

Any help would be great.


I tried this but the items don't delete. Nothing has changed.


Hi there, I still get the issue when I disable AVG.


Hello Nicole,
Since you are facing the same issues even after disabling the AVG program please contact Microsoft support so that they could assist you better in resolving the issue.
Thank you.

It's not an issue with Outlook, it didn't happen until I installed AVG.


Hello Nicole,
Please try with the following steps
1. Close outlook
2. open the avg user interface and go into the advance view
3. expand email protection > email scanner > servers > imap and select auto imap
4. change local port to 993
5. remove checkbox beside “activate this server and use it for sending/receiving e-mails”

Hello Nicole,
Please follow the instructions sent to your email to have a better assistance in resolving the issue.
Thank you.